UMassFive College Federal Credit Union (UMassFive) announced the well-earned retirement of longtime Board Director and original founding member of the Credit Union, Michael Sullivan, at their 54th Annual Meeting in March. New Director Julius Lewis was also elected to the open position at the virtual event.
Michael Sullivan’s legacy extends well beyond UMassFive in the world of credit unions. While he served originally as a UMassFive Board Member beginning in 1982, and as the Credit Union Board Chair (“President”) at UMassFive from 1986-1993, he concurrently held the titles of Director, Vice Chair, and Chair of Mass CUNA (1986-1998). During this time, he was instrumental in the merger of the two state Credit Union Leagues that eventually became the CCUA (Cooperative Credit Union Association). Michael’s innovative vision, influence, and steady guidance that helped direct the cooperative for 39 years will be missed, but never forgotten. As a thank you for his many contributions, the Credit Union has dedicated the Board Room in their Hadley Executive area as the Michael Sullivan Board Room in his honor.
Newly elected Board Member Julius Lewis has been a member of the Credit Union since 2010, and throughout the years has helped promote UMassFive’s products and services within our local community. Julius is a graduate of the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, which played a major role in launching his professional career in the financial industry. He has worked as an independent financial consultant, specializing in insurance products since 2003. In 2006, Julius created and began hosting “The Lewis & Morrow Financial Hour”, a weekly financial radio talk show broadcasted throughout the region and online. In 2017, he started his company, JDL Financial, and has received several awards and achievements within his profession. UMassFive welcomes his new perspectives and ideas to the Board.