Amy Kern & Tricia Loomis
were nominated and selected by their co-workers to be this edition's SMART employees for the Third Quarter 2022, and Fourth Quarter 2022.
were nominated and selected by their co-workers to be this edition's SMART employees for the Third Quarter 2022, and Fourth Quarter 2022.
SMART is the Credit Union’s quality service motto. It stands for “Sharp, Motivated, Aware, Responsible, Team-Player.”
Amy Kern has been with UMassFive since January 2019, and has been making the file room run smoothly ever since as our Document Management Coordinator.
Here is what UMassFive employees have to say about Amy:
“Amy has taken on additional responsibilities since the pandemic struck back in 2020 and continues to do so without hesitation. She is always willing to assist in any way she can, thus making my job and that of others much easier. I certainly can’t thank her enough for the amount of assistance she has provided to me while working in the main office. Amy is always willing to do any task. She has been a tremendous help to me and others who work remotely, taking on various tasks that can only be done onsite, assisting with set-up of Board level meetings, taking inventory on supplies, and contributing great ideas for staff recognition, just to name a few.”
Tricia Loomis started with UMassFive at the Northampton Branch as a part-time Member Service Specialist in November 2019. She later transitioned to a full-time role, and most recently has been promoted to Lead Member Service Specialist at the Northampton branch.
Here is what UMassFive employees have to say about Tricia:
“Tricia has been the pinnacle of a team player, and always embodies our core values here at UMassFive. During the past quarter she has risen above and beyond to help support the Northampton Branch, transitioning to lead MSS with grace and ease. On top of everything she is always positive and cheery with members and staff alike. Tricia has maintained a positive attitude throughout one of the most challenging times the Northampton Branch has faced. Despite strenuous conditions, she continuously provides attentive and exemplary service to the membership that leaves members and colleagues alike lauding her as a great representative. I feel like I’m constantly seeing great feedback about Tricia from our members, and for good reason! The times I’ve interacted with her myself, she’s always been extremely friendly, positive, and knowledgeable. She certainly embodies the type of personalized service that sets UMassFive apart from other institutions!.”